Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lighten Up This Year

We all have had those truly disgusting new year's resolutions: exercise more, meditate daily, lose 10 pounds. They so often fall by the wayside. Therefore, I suggest another way to lighten up this year. Get rid of the clutter!

What is it about the new year that causes us to clean? It seems especially appropriate this year after such an ICKY (yes, I said Icky!) 2008. Cleaning out and throwing away is a good way to make a deliberate act at starting anew. It feels good, somehow, a physical lightening up!

We've been cleaning out EVERYTHING at my house... closets, drawers, even the garage. We use the Three Year Rule: if it hasn't been touched in three years, out it goes. I think that comes from all the moving we did early in our marriage; it still works. I think, though, we violated the rule this year: we threw out a number of things that hadn't been used in two years or even less!

Most of the stuff then goes to another cause: homeless shelters, second hand stores. Its amazing how big the recycle pile became! So lighten up, do it deliberately, and then move on.

Check out where Janet Polach's fellow parents can shop for their choosy tween and teen daughters: zelaz.com

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